Image of a smiley Breanne in a pink blazer. She looks like she's having a great time.

Let’s work together!

I’m an Interaction Designer with Visual Design and UX Writing sprinkled on top. Strictly functional or wildly expressive, I love working on user-driven projects. I’m always eager to learn from others and deepen my craft by tackling new challenges in design.

Collaboration and honest communication are important to me. I get to know my team mates as individuals so I can do my best to set them up for success, and work compatibly and amicably.

My design practice reflects my interdisciplinary training in graphic design, brand, teaching, and user-focused interfaces. This informs my approach: I believe major touchpoints should reflect a brands identity in fun, expressive ways, while still playing within the constraints of user research and usability standards. I bring in my clients and team throughout my process to get buy in and feedback, but also so they can support major design decisions in their own work. This builds holistic experiences users enjoy and remember.

The same goes for writing. I infuse my work with a unique voice and tone in order to add a touch of humanity to interfaces that otherwise may feel rote or unmemorable.

Domain Knowledge & Interests

  • Non-profit and social good, particularly unhoused people and survivors of assault

  • Learning, University teaching, and course management

  • Brand identity creation and creating easy to digest guidelines

  • AI startups and working lean

  • Dutch design history and culture

  • Video game design history, HUD’s, and user interfaces

  • Real estate, and designing teaser websites for unbuilt properties


Red Dot Award for Brand and Communication ( - 2023

UI Patent for unique user interactions in a regulatory AI product -2022

BA Degree in Interactive Arts and technology, concentration in Design (GPA 3.62) - Jan 2023

Fun Facts

Is a proud auntie of two very cool kids (shhh, I’m the favourite aunt)

Can deadlift her own weight

Has a 500+ day streak on Duolingo for Japanese (and a little Mandarin)

Won an award for Drafting in AutoCAD and originally pursued architecture