Railyard Lab

Dossier Creative Inc. Internship // May - August 2017

Railyard Lab is a internship run by the branding and packaging company behind Mikes Hard Lemonade and the Little Potato Company. I collaborated with business students to create a successful business model and brand for 2 non-profit clients.

Brand Identities

The Lily Projects

Creating a brand for a nonprofit society seeking to inspire hope for sexual assault survivors and ignite action for change across BC. Lily Projects is differentiated by the integration of justice and creativity.

See the full write-up on Railyard Lab’s website.

Exchange: Inner City

Formerly a city initiative called "CEDSAC", this nonprofit fosters a community where all residents can live full and prosperous lives. Exchange: Inner City's influence with policy makers enables effective implementation of community owned and driven economic development strategies.

See the full write-up on Railyard Lab’s website.

Exchange is the bridge between the city government and the people of the downtown east side; it was vital the brand balanced both professionalism and approachability.

Key Takeaways

Internships are invaluable, I learned more about brand identities in my four months here than I do in a whole year in class. Client presentations and interactions, balancing team dynamics, and creating style guidelines for non-designers to follow and understand—these are things that a classroom simply can't teach.

One last note on mentorship: Patrick Ho is Dossier's lead content strategist and my mentor. We shared a love for synonyms, traveling, and a well poured Guinness, but most importantly he inspired me to pursue Copywriting and Content Design. Likewise Ronna Chisholm, Dossiers co-founder and business director, convinced me to pursue the role of project lead in future and become a mentor myself.